4 Week Solo Challenges + Text W/Trainer + Recipes
How will this be delivered?

through the Matt Lane Fitness app.
What do I get with 4WFBSC + Text With Trainer + Recipes?
✅ Access to Matt Lane Fitness app
✅ New challenge & workouts/4 weeks
✅ Instructional vids w/each exercise + alternates
✅ Daily to Do List(In App Calendar)
✅ Everyday Nutrition Guide ebook
✅ MLFit Mental Fitness & Nutrition Education
✅ Track progress in the app: photos, measurements
✅ Earn social shareable milestone badges in the app
✅ MyFitnessPal & Smart device Integration
✅ Join 1 week prior for Prep Week
✅ First challenge: 6 resistance/1 stretch day per week
✅ Following challenges: 5 resistance/1 stretch/1 active rest day(ability to reschedule workouts to fit your life)
✅ Any fitness level
✅ No equipment required & optional: DBs & bands
✅ Behavior change, fat loss & habit formation
✅ Access to Matt Lane Fitness app
✅ Unlimited app messaging w/Matt
✅ Any questions your fitness plan
✅ Out to dinner? Don't know what to order? Text Matt
✅ 24/7 access to a fitness professional(Matt)
✅ Collaborative individualized meal planning
✅ 3-6 recipes/day set for your cal/macro goals
✅ 350+ recipes to swap for your preferences
✅ Each day your new recipes will be on your profile
✅ Video cook instructions, measurements & more
✅ Vegan/Vegetarian/Pescatarian/Paleo & more
✅ Allergies must be sent to Matt
Please Read
You'll be REQUIRED to set your own cals/macros(instructions to find this will be provided). This is because it is NOT in the scope of practice for Matt to dictate cals/macros.
This is a collaborative individualized plan which is why Text With Trainer is required to have Recipes.
You must disclose all food allergies you have. By purchasing you assume all risk related to Recipes & do NOT hold Matt Lane or Matt Lane Fitness, LLC liable for any damages sustained.
Charged every 4 weeks. Cancel at any time.
Bought it....now what?
You'll receive 2 emails that walk you through setting up the app. Then complete the next steps once in the MLFit App.
By purchasing you're agreeing to the terms of service and you agree to not hold Matthew Lane or Matt Lane Fitness, LLC responsible for any injuries, health complications and/or death you may experience from using any products and/or services from MattLaneFitness.com. Always consult with you physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program.